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Five Recipes For Grilled Corn On The Cob

Grilled corn in the cob street style

Easy to work with, corn on the cob is essential summertime fare nationwide. But, of course, when there is no corn, there is no fun, according to my six-year-old nephew. And no summer is complete without it!

Fresh, sweet corn on the cob is delicious straight from the grilling; season with butter and mayonnaise to make it more flavorful and spicy to elevate your taste buds to adventurous. No seasoning is off-limits for Corn On The Cob; you can make it sweet, spicy, salty, tangy, barbecue, boil, or grill. Anything will do. So let's get your creativity unraveled with this Summer Stapel food.

Now that Memorial Day is only one day away, And with the abundance of corn, I would like to share my favorite Corn On The Cob recipes.

Here are five recipes to add to your repertoire.

Street Style Corn On The Cob


  • 2 Fresh Corn

  • 2 tablespoon Butter

  • 2 tablespoon Mayonnaise

  • Parmesan Cheese

  • Black Pepper

  • Allspice

  • Paprika

  • half cut Lemon

  • Salt to taste

Grilling method:

  1. Remove the silk from the corn

  2. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes. To prevent the husk from catching fire.

  3. Preheat the grilled to medium-high 375 to 450 degrees.

  4. Grill for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn them to get even blackening on the outside of the husk.

Again, the prep is necessary; Grilling corn in the husk gives it a toasty, charred flavor but moist inside and is not drying out.

Oven Roast:

  1. This oven-roasted corn on the cob is another easy way to cook corn; you don't have to remove the husk; just put it right onto the oven grates.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Remove the silk from the corn.

  4. Place the ears of corn directly onto the grates and roast for 35 minutes. Remove the corn and allow it to cool for a few minutes before peeling off the husks.


Put the corn on the serving plate; coat it with butter and mayonnaise with a brush, sprinkle it with the remaining ingredients, and coat it all around.

grilled corn in the cob with coconut flakes
grilled corn in the cob with coconut flakes

Indonesia Style Corn On The Cob ( With Shredded Coconut and Fried Anchovies)

Resep Jagung Bakar Ikan Teri


  1. 2 Fresh Corn

  2. 2 tablespoons of Margarine

  3. 2 tablespoons of cooking Oil

  4. 1/4 cup shredded coconut I prefer fresh or frozen shredded coconut from the store; you can find it at Asian supermarkets.

  5. 2 Thai Chilly

  6. 1 tablespoon of White Dried Anchovy

  7. Salt to taste

  8. One teaspoon of Mushroom Seasoning

  9. Onion Powder

  10. Green Onion

  11. Lime Optional

Grilling method:

  1. Remove the silk from the corn

  2. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes. To prevent the husk from catching fire.

  3. Preheat the grilled to medium-high 375 to 450 degrees.

  4. Grill for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn them to get even blackening on the outside of the husk.

Again, the prep is necessary; Grilling corn in the husk gives it a toasty, charred flavor but moist inside and is not drying out.

Oven Roast:

  1. This oven-roasted corn on the cob is another easy way to cook corn; you don't have to remove the husk; just put it right onto the oven grates.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Remove the silk from the corn.

  4. Place the ears of corn directly onto the grates and roast for 35 minutes. Remove the corn and allow it to cool for a few minutes before peeling off the husks.


For most of the mini Anchovy, you don't have to wash it, but I'd like to wash it so it is less salty.

  1. Wash the Anchovy, put it in a paper towel, dry it, and set it aside.

  2. Place a small-sized pan on high heat with cooking oil.

  3. Reduce heat to medium and carefully place the white anchovies into the hot oil, frying until golden brown.

  4. Remove from the pan and put it aside.

  5. Put the shredded coconut in the bowl and mix it with the white Anchovy; thinly slices the Tai chili or put it in the blender and mix it into the coconut bowl. Finally, mix all the rest of the ingredients ( without the fresh green onion).

  6. Place the corn on the serving plate. Coat it with margarine, sprinkle the mixed coconut shredded on the corn, and add the green onion.

corn with spicy seasoning
grilled corn with spicy seasoning

Cheesy Corn On The Cob


  • 2 Fresh Corn

  • 2 tablespoon Garlic Butter

  • 2 tablespoon Mayonnaise

  • Parmesan Cheese

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Paprika

  • All spiced Seasoning

  • 1 spoon of Blue Cheese Or Goat Cheese

  • Fresh Italian Parsley

  • Fresh Oregano (optional)

Grilling method:

  1. Remove the silk from the corn

  2. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes. To prevent the husk from catching fire.

  3. Preheat the grilled to medium-high 375 to 450 degrees.

  4. Grill for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn them to get even blackening on the outside of the husk.

Again, the prep is necessary; Grilling corn in the husk gives it a toasty, charred flavor but moist inside and is not drying out.

Oven Roast:

  1. This oven-roasted corn on the cob is another easy way to cook corn; you don't have to remove the husk; just put it right onto the oven grates.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Remove the silk from the corn.

  4. Place the ears of corn directly onto the grates and roast for 35 minutes. Remove the corn and allow it to cool for a few minutes before peeling off the husks.


Put the corn on the serving plate; coat it with butter and mayonnaise with a brush, sprinkle it with the remaining ingredients, and coat it all around. Add the fresh Parsley and fresh Oregano on top.

grilled corn with the mango salsa

Mango Salsa Corn On The Cob


  • 2 Fresh corn

  • Half mango thinly chops

  • 1 small fresh Onion

  • 2 Fresh Jalapeno or 1 teaspoon Chili dried flakes

  • 2 Fresh Roma Tomato

  • 3 sprigs of Cilantro

  • 4 Radish and 1 Carrot pickles

  • 2 Lemon

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

  • 1/2 cup of water

  • 1 teaspoon of Fish Sause

Grilling method:

  1. Remove the silk from the corn

  2. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes. To prevent the husk from catching fire.

  3. Preheat the grilled to medium-high 375 to 450 degrees.

  4. Grill for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn them to get even blackening on the outside of the husk.

Again, the prep is necessary; Grilling corn in the husk gives it a toasty, charred flavor but moist inside and is not drying out.

Oven Roast:

  1. This oven-roasted corn on the cob is another easy way to cook corn; you don't have to remove the husk; just put it right onto the oven grates.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Remove the silk from the corn.

  4. Place the ears of corn directly onto the grates and roast for 35 minutes. Remove the corn and allow it to cool for a few minutes before peeling off the husks.

For Pickle recipe:

Thinley cut radishes and carrots, put them in the bowl with water, squeeze 1 thinly cut the lemon and put the juice in the bowl; salt and sugar mix it and let it marinate for the least 30 minutes.

For Salsa Recipe:

Thinly slice the mango, onion, jalapeno, tomatoes, and cilantro, mix with the fish oil, and squeeze half of the lemon.


Place the corn on the serving plates, pour the salsa, and serve it with Radish and Carrots pickles.

corn in the cob
grilled corn in the cob

Corn On The Cob On Fire! (With Coconut Flakes)


  • 2 Fresh Corn

  • 2 tablespoons of Butter

  • 1/4 Sriracha Mayo

  • Half Tea Spoon Allspice

  • Half teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

  • 1/4 Black Pepper

  • Salt to the taste

  • Coconut Shredded or Dried Coconut flakes

  • 1 Fresh Jalapeno

  • Lemon

Grilling method:

  1. Remove the silk from the corn

  2. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes. To prevent the husk from catching fire.

  3. Preheat the grilled to medium-high 375 to 450 degrees.

  4. Grill for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn them to get even blackening on the outside of the husk.

Again, the prep is necessary; Grilling corn in the husk gives it a toasty, charred flavor but moist inside and is not drying out.

Oven Roast:

  1. This oven-roasted corn on the cob is another easy way to cook corn; you don't have to remove the husk; just put it right onto the oven grates.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Remove the silk from the corn.

  4. Place the ears of corn directly onto the grates and roast for 35 minutes. Remove the corn and allow it to cool for a few minutes before peeling off the husks.


  1. Put the coconut in the bowl and mix it with allspice, cayenne pepper, black peppers, thinly cut jalapeno, and salt.

  2. Put the corn on the serving plate; coat it with butter and mayonnaise with a brush, sprinkle it with the mixed coconut flakes, and coat it all around. And serve with lime (optional)

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Celebration.

Much Love,


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P.S. You will find plenty of recipes inspired by the country I grew up in, Indonesia, a colorful country with wide varieties of food from thousands of islands, all blending in such amicable and compelling exotic recipes. I hope you have a wonderful time reading our journal from page to page. 




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